It is an exciting time to be swimming at St Michael’s as Term 3 marks the commencement of our new swim provider, Aquastar, and the School pool begins transformation into a mineral-enriched MagnaPool.
Aquastar commences
AquaStar are a family-focused organisation who have a team of engaging swim instructors and coaches who cater for all levels of swimmers from beginners through to advanced and elite club swimmers.
Families had the opportunity to meet the Aquastar at both a breakfast and afternoon tea in Term 2, and this week, Aquastar have officially commenced as our new swim provider.
‘We are extremely excited about the opportunity to work with St Michael’s and share the Aquastar approach, and our team’s passion and experience with all swimmers at the School and from the local community,’ says Aquastar Owner, Mr Gareth Cope.
Central to the choice of Aquastar, was the desire and willingness to develop a collaborative relationship to enhance the School’s curriculum-based swimming classes and inter-school swimming programs.
‘Our teachers have worked with the best schools and competitive squads to develop both basic skills and high performance swimmers, and we’re looking forward to working with St Michael’s staff to grow best practice,’ says Gareth. ‘We already share a common vision to bring the swimming team closer as a group and improve standards for everyone who wants to get in the water.’
Term 3 Learn to Swim classes with Aquastar have begun and bookings are still available. For more information, Aquastar have created a FAQ Document.
‘Our initial focus will be to establish our programs and communicate our Learn to Swim structure and the Aquastar approach with students and parents. Working with St Michael’s is a really exciting opportunity for us, and the whole Aquastar team are looking forward to developing swimmers as we have at all our other centres,’ says Gareth.
The Aquastar team
Through Aquastar, St Michael’s is also aiming to create a community-based competitive swimming club that trains within the School. Director of Sport (7–12), Mr Tyren Montebruno, anticipates that the club will cater to competitive and recreational swimmers, and is open to all St Michael’s students with both performance and fitness squads available.
‘With the dedication and on-going support of our new swimming provider, we will be able to identify swimming talent through the Learn to Swim (LTS) program and invite students completing the program into the club,’ says Mr Montebruno.
It is an exciting time to join St Michael’s Swim Squad and become part of the team. Join us to help build and develop what will be a fabulous club into the future. To find out more and register your child’s interest, view Squad information here.
St Michael’s pool becomes a MagnaPool
To provide the best possible experience for our swimmers, we are also extremely pleased to announce that the St Michael’s pool is currently in the process of becoming a mineral-based, MagnaPool.
MagnaPool is a new pool filtration system that uses a mix of magnesium chloride and potassium that is better for the environment and the health of our swimmers than traditional chlorine or salt solutions.
This solution will add to the enjoyment of our swimmers and possibly encourage swimmers to return to the pool who might have been put off by irritation to eyes or skin they have experienced in chlorine pools. MagnaPool also suggest that swimming in their Magnesium enriched pools can help alleviate aches and pains and soothe skin.
In keeping with the School’s Environmental and Sustainability Project, once diluted, backwash water is safe to use on the garden and can even help promote plant growth through the existence of minerals in the water.
Due to its demonstrated benefits to health and wellbeing and the environment, Director of Business, Mr Farai Mufuka, has implemented this system for the School.
‘The MagnaPool system will assist the School with our sustainability strategy by; reducing the amount of water required to keep the pool at optimum levels,’ says Mr Mufuka. ‘The system requires less use of chemicals in particular a reduction in the amount of Chlorine purchased at the School.’
The pool has already had initial mineral treatments and this process will be complete in the coming weeks.
– View the Aquastar FAQ Document
– Find out more about the St Michael’s fitness and performance swim squad