At St Michael’s, we assist students to find answers to these questions. While our designated Careers program officially starts in Year 10, an informal process of inquiry begins much earlier.
In Year 10, students discuss their career options with their Learning Mentors, as well as with Careers Counsellor Miss Robyn McKenzie. By considering their interests, skills and goals in detail, students gain a clear picture of their path through VCE.
To help students with their career development, the School offers a number of comprehensive programs and a wealth of resources. Students complete the Morrisby Careers Test, which measures verbal, numerical, spatial, perceptual, mechanical and other aptitudes; and an additional questionnaire, which lists their interests in detail. A selection of suitable careers is generated based on the results, which is then discussed and considered in detail with each student’s Learning Mentor and Careers Counsellor.
Year 10 students also have access to many careers-related resources, some which describe the courses and necessary VCE prerequisites, others which help students explore possible jobs matched with their skill set. Being aware of their options early on enables students to choose VCE subjects closely aligned with their interests.
The careers program shifts focus in Year 12. Students learn about the complex university application process, with interviews and sessions conducted one-on-one and in groups. Miss McKenzie spends significant time with the students explaining which courses they are interested in and eligible to apply for, selection requirements which may be needed (such as interviews, folios or tests), what to do when they receive their results, and how to enrol in university. Some students also seek information about taking a gap year, exchange programs or studying overseas, and the Careers Page on SchoL is a detailed resource available to them during this time.
By providing students with all the information they require, we ensure they are extremely well-informed about their tertiary education and career options by the time they graduate. A huge number of options and pathways are available to today’s students, and St Michael’s enables them to take full advantage of these choices.
Many students complete at least one week of work experience during school holiday times in Years 10, 11 or 12. This optional activity is strongly encouraged, as it provides students with an excellent opportunity to explore possible career directions, network and gain experience to include in their resumes. Students are responsible for organising their own work experience placement.