11 December, 2023 Academic

Class of 2023 achieves 10-year high VCE result.

Our Class of 2023 has distinguished itself by achieving the highest VCE results in 10 years.

At St Michael’s we are proud to nurture the next generation of leaders, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, musicians, and visual artists. These are but a few of the career goals of our graduating class. We are delighted with the exceptional VCE results of our Class of 2023 and congratulate them on their achievements. Clearly, they are off to a good start in pursuing their career goals.

A special congratulations to Dux of the School, Camille Letts who attained an ATAR of 99.35. Camille studied General Maths, Global Politics, Italian, Literature, Philosophy, and French (in 2022), and achieved a perfect score of 50 in Literature. Two other students also achieved perfect scores: Yasmin Wingfield in Health and Human Development and Oscar de Brouwer (Year 11) in General Maths.

While success looks different for each student, for our graduates, their ATAR will enable them to take the next step towards their future careers and the realisation of their passions. The breadth of accomplishments in academia, along with their involvement in a broad range of co-curricular activities, underscores the diverse talents and determination of our students, as reflected in the ATAR results.

6% achieved an ATAR of 98 or higher (top 2% of the state). 13% scored an ATAR of 95 or higher (top 5% of the state). 35% secured an ATAR of 90 or higher (top 10% of the state). 60% attained an ATAR of 80 or higher (top 20% of the state).

In addition to our Dux, seven students achieved ATARs of 98 or more: Asher Pang (98.85), Christopher Burton (98.8), Rosa Sherman (98.55), Freya Haggren (98.45), Alec Carey (98.45), Olive Johnson (98.25) and Sebastien Taylor (98).

St Michael’s has a history of guiding students towards diverse post-school pathways and this year’s results further affirm that tradition. This is evident in the range of subjects for which our students achieved Study Scores of 40 and above. Subjects with the highest number of 40 plus Study scores are:

83% of Maths Methods: NHT students

80% of French students

40% of Applied Computing: Software Development students

40% of Visual Communication Design students

38% of Art Making and Exhibiting students

36% of Physical Education students

33% of History – Revolutions students

33% of Art Creative Practice students

33% of Systems Engineering students

30% of Philosophy students

29% of Food Technology students

29% of Physics students

29% of Italian students

25% of Theatre Studies students

25% of Music students

Our Year 11 students studying Unit 3 and 4 VCE subjects also performed well, in addition to Oscar de Brouwer achieving a perfect Study Score of 50 in General Maths, three students achieved Study Scores of 45 or over in Biology: Eva Dickson (48), Olivia Bolwell (45) and Oscar Gillespie (45). Overall, 19% of our Year 11 students received a Study Score of 40 or more.

As always, we would like to acknowledge and thank our dedicated teachers and staff, who have provided encouragement and support, fostering our students’ passions and strengths. Thank you also to our wonderful parent community for your ongoing support.

Completing the VCE is an enormous achievement and milestone that demands discipline and focus. Our students should be proud of their efforts, and we wish them every success in the next chapter of their lives as contributing citizens of the world.

To find out more about this year’s VCE results, click here.