
Dr Ross Phillips commenced as the Associate Head – Research, Innovation and Professional Practice (K–12) at St Michael’s Grammar School in January 2024.

In 2024, Dr Phillips also completed his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Melbourne. Through his thesis he contributed to understanding student subject choices for senior secondary school, and how schools influence these choices. In addition, Dr Phillips holds a Master of Educational Studies from Monash University, a Graduate Diploma in Education from the University of Melbourne, and a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Melbourne. He was made a Fellow of the Australian Council for Educational Leaders Victoria Branch (FACEL (Vic)) in 2023 and was awarded Most Influential Educator by The Educator in 2022.

He has extensive experience in the education sector, previously working at the University of Melbourne as a Clinical Specialist in the Faculty of Education; Senior Dean of Learning Futures at Strathcona Girls Grammar; and Head of Science at Presbyterian Ladies’ College and Firbank Grammar School.

Dr Phillips is passionate about equipping students and school employees for lifelong learning. He has also championed classroom cultures of thinking, growth mindsets, collaboration, and empowering students to meet their challenges and build a better future. He is an author of many textbooks and journal articles, and a conference presenter.