St Michael’s Grammar School has embarked on a project to knit or crochet 1000 poppies for a Remembrance Day installation in Term 4. This year, we have been inspired by the work of Mrs Raelene Harper who is working with the School community to bring the installation to life on the lawn in front of Hewison House.
The School has a longstanding association with the 14th 32nd Battalion, which sees our students’ participation in the annual ANZAC Day march to parade the Battalion’s banner. There are only a few remaining members of the association and they continue to be moved by our students’ commitment to their remembrance. Mrs Harper, the daughter of one of the late members of the Association, knitted poppies for St Michael’s students and staff to wear at the 2018 ANZAC march and she made each one unique by sewing a button, from her mother’s button tin, into the centre. It was Mrs Harper’s commitment to remembrance of her father and his fellow soldiers that has inspired our community project.
We are inviting students of all ages to be involved in knitting poppies during Commons and lunchtime. All members of the St Michael’s community are also encouraged to participate. If you are a knitter or know someone who knits, please consider making a poppy for our installation.
Boxes will be placed in Marlton, Coleman and Main Receptions to receive donations of red 8 ply acrylic wool, buttons and 4mm knitting needles. Completed poppies can also be donated in these locations. If you have made poppies please drop these in the donation boxes by recess, Wednesday 7 November. We are hoping for 1000 poppies in 2018 and will build on this number in subsequent years.
To get involved…
Below are some patterns to help you get started. Each pattern uses two colours, red for the outside of the poppy, and black for the centre. For this project, participants only need to use red for the entire Poppy and then used a button for the feature in the centre, as it is time consuming and quite fiddly changing colours. Acrylic yarn is best for this project.