This week, the St Michael’s Grammar School Student Leaders are thrilled to launch the Merry Month of May, a time of year when the St Michael’s community comes together to make a difference.
This year students created a logo for the month representing the four charities chosen
Each week during the Merry Month of May, the School community supports a different charity through a series of fundraising activities.
Four charities are chosen by the Student Leaders and this year we are supporting Brainwave, SisterWorks, Weenthunga Health Network and the Leukaemia Foundation.
Brainwave is a charity dedicated to providing support to children suffering from neurological conditions.
A local charity which supports female migrants, asylum seekers and refugees to become financially independent and happily settled in Australia.
Week 3: Weenthunga Health Network
Weenthunga encourages Indigenous Australians in health-based professions and contributes to the better health and wellbeing of Victorian Indigenous Australians.
Week 4: The Leukaemia Foundation
In keeping with tradition, we are again supporting The Leukaemia Foundation to help find a cure for leukaemia.
During the final week of Merry Month of May, we will be holding the annual Leukaemia Foundation World’s Greatest Shave and a number of socially-minded students and staff are participating in the event. The students have created a team page on the Leukaemia Foundation website, where the community can donate to this worthy cause. If you would like to support the students participating in the World’s Greatest Shave you can do so here.
Year 7 student Jude participated in the World's Greatest Shave during Merry Month of May in 2018
We have planned a number of exciting events throughout the month, including selling handmade products from SisterWorks in week two of Merry Month of May, a lip sync battle and a staff versus students dance-off for both the senior and junior years.
In addition to these events, we are running a raffle where the winner of the first prize receives a five-night stay for two at the Kimberley Sands Resort in Broome!
Raffle tickets are on sale now and can be purchased from Chapel, Coleman and Marlton receptions with the special offer of 3 tickets for $5. We will also be selling raffle tickets at the upcoming Parent Community Association Mother’s Day Lunch.
For more information about all the wonderful prizes on offer visit reception, or view the full list of prizes on the Merry Month of May SchoL page here (parents will need to login).
We are very proud of how our Merry Month of May celebrations have come together and we hope to make a significant contribution to our chosen charities.Sebastian Ganci and Sara Hassoun, Co-captains of the School (7-12)